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2 Translation results for to tear in Spanish

verb | verb

tear verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tore, has torn, is tearing, tears

Example sentences of
tear verb

  • He tore the letter in half.

Synonyms of
tear verb

tear verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
teared, has teared, is tearing, tears
desgarrar, romper, rasgar (tela); desgarrarse, romperse; ir a gran velocidad; arrancar

Synonyms of
tear verb

Detailed synonyms for tear verb

Tear, rip, split significan separar por la fuerza.
  • Tear indica una separación forzosa que deja bordes u orillas irregulares <had torn a page out of the book>.
  • Rip indica una separación que se hace con un solo movimiento rápido, a menudo hecho a lo largo de una costura o articulación <ripped her jacket on a bush>.
  • Split indica un corte o una ruptura en una dirección continua, derecha, y a menudo longitudinal, o que se hace en la dirección del grano o de las capas <splitting wood for burning>.
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Reverse translation for to tear

llorar  - to cry, to weep, to mourn, to bewail 
desgarrar  - to tear, to rip, to break (one's heart) 
romper  - to break, to break, to smash, to rip, to tear, to break off (relations), to break (a contract), to break through, to break down, to wear out 
rasgar  (tela) - to rip, to tear 
romperse  - to break, to burst 
arrancar  - to pull out, to tear out, to start an engine, (figurative) to jump start, to pick, to pluck (a flower), to get going, to start (an engine), to boot (a computer)